Letting agents in the Newcastle

The pandemic has taken its toll on everyone, and people are eager to get out and about. It has been a long wait for the last couple of months. Thankfully letting agents in Newcastle can now show properties. Here are the precautions you should take while viewing properties in Newcastle.

Before the Viewing

Wash your hands thoroughly before the viewing. Ask yourself some basic health questions. Have you been feeling under the weather? Are you coughing?

Stay home if you feel ill. If you are well, make your plans with everyone’s health in mind. Plan to arrive exactly on time to your viewing. This will help keep the right number of people inside each space.

The best thing you can do is to minimise the number of times you go out. Make sure you know what you want out of a property. Be prepared with a good amount of questions. But also stick to your time allotment to keep people from having to wait outside the building.

Sometimes it’s necessary to take public transport. If this is your situation, ask your agent to schedule a viewing for you that is not during peak usage hours. You will avoid more bacteria and the virus this way.

During the Viewing

Be sure to bring along a bottle of hand sanitiser or a small bar of soap in a sealed bag. Remember to bring a hand towel, a bottle of water and disposable gloves as well as something to write with. Also bring your checklist for viewing the property.

Wash your hands often as you are out. Wear a mask if you can. This is not required, but it is recommended.

Wearing a mask keeps you from breathing on other people. It is a very good courtesy to observe if at all possible.

Stay two meters away from people you don’t live with at all times. This takes some attention, but it is the best thing for safety.

If at all possible, you should track infections online. There are a few apps for doing this. Avoid areas with known high infection rates.

Although it is a scary time, remember to wash your hands. It is difficult to emphasise this precaution enough. This is one of the best things you can do to stop the spread of the disease.

Do not touch your face or mouth. Be extra vigilant about doing this while you are out.


Preferred methods of transportation during this health crisis include walking and using your own car. If these options are available to you, use them.

When taking a car, ask advice about where to park. This will keep you away from potentially infected areas. It’s not always easy to park close to a known safe area.

Consider a Virtual Viewing

Everything has operated online for the last few weeks. At Bowson, our state of the art website allows you to get a 360 view of properties. For more information, contact us today at 0191 212 8100.

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You’re in Safe Hands

117 St George's Terrace
Jesmond, Newcastle

0191 212 8100

Monday - Friday09:00 - 17:30
Saturday09:00 - 16:00