Happy November

Happy November!!

Bonfires, fireworks, blankets out, fires on and heating turned right up – but have you tested your smoke alarm yet? New research says that apparently around three quarters of us will have forgotten to do so!

 The Home Office is reminding us this month how important it is to press that little button, just once a month, to keep you and your family safe. While you’re at it, why not pop along and do it for any elderly grandparents or neighbours that might struggle? It only takes a moment for peace of mind. If your alarm runs on re-useable batteries, it is also recommended to change them once a year to avoid them wearing out.

 Tenants, don’t forget about this either – although it is your landlord’s responsibility to make sure your smoke alarms are working fine when you move in, it’s up to you to keep testing them throughout your tenancy, so don’t forget!


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