Is it time for a Spring safety check on your rental properties?

Spring is just around the corner so why not freshen up your knowledge and ensure that your properties are fully safe, legal and secure with our property safety checklist.

Landlords are under increasing obligation to ensure their properties are compliant with current Health and Safety laws and in a fast changing legal environment it is crucial that Landlords are fully up to speed with the standards expected of them.

A key example of this is the compulsory EPC rating of an ‘E’ standard by 2018. This standard must be met otherwise it will be illegal for you to rent out your properties that do not achieve an E rating or above by the deadline. In the absence of Green Deal funding and other incentives for Landlords the RLA are seeking clarification from the Government how Landlords will be expected to meet this cost.

This easy to use property safety diagram will also help you to identify what hazards to look for in your property to ensure that you are renting a safe, legal and secure home to your tenant.

This is based on the universal Local Authority risk assessment tool – the Housing, Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) to help you to avoid any potential safety or enforcement problems.

If you are looking for a property management agency that ensures your property is up to current safety standards, call Bowson Estates on 0191 2128100 ext 2.

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You’re in Safe Hands

117 St George's Terrace
Jesmond, Newcastle

0191 212 8100

Monday - Friday09:00 - 17:30
Saturday09:00 - 16:00